Group Insurance in your Area !
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Health Insurance |
With group
health insurance,
a single policy covers the
medical expenses of many different
people, instead of covering
just one person. Unlike individual
insurance, where each person's
risk potential is evaluated
to determine insurability,
all eligible people can be
covered by a group policy,
regardless of age or physical
condition. The premium for
group insurance is calculated
based on the characteristics
of the group as a whole, such
as average age and degree
of occupational hazard.
How do you get group
health insurance?
Find out whether you
are eligible
Many employers
offer group health insurance as part of
their employee benefits package. Other
groups that may offer insurance coverage
include churches, clubs, trade associations,
chambers of commerce, and special-interest
Apply for coverage
Although your individual health is generally
not evaluated when you apply for group
health insurance, you must apply during
the specified eligibility period. For
employer-sponsored health insurance, this
is often the first 30 days of your employment,
or the first 30 days following your initial
probationary period. For associational
insurance, this may be the first 30 days
of your membership in the group.
If you fail to enroll
during this period, the insurance company
has the right to treat you as though you
were applying for individual insurance.
This means you will probably have to answer
extensive health questions, and go through
a physical examination. The insurance
company can then decide whether or not
to insure you.
The purpose of the eligibility
period is to reduce insurance costs by
preventing people from waiting until after
they discover a health problem to sign
up for coverage. Both employers and associations
may also have an open enrollment period
each year, during which you may sign up
for coverage, modify your existing coverage,
or add dependents to your coverage.
What are the benefits
of group coverage?
You don't need a physical exam
Under a group health insurance arrangement,
the insurance company agrees to insure
all members of the group, regardless of
current physical condition or health history.
The only condition is that the group members
must apply for insurance within the specified
eligibility period. Clearly, this is better
for those with chronic health conditions,
who might be unable to get individual
It's cheaper than individual
Because only
one policy is issued for the entire group,
the initial cost of establishing group
coverage is lower than the cost of issuing
a separate policy to each person. Also,
group insurance is somewhat less risky
for insurers than individual insurance,
since the risk is spread out among a larger
number of people. Within a fairly large
group, it is almost certain that the good
insurance risks will equal or exceed the
bad insurance risks. Since group insurance
costs less for the insurance companies
to establish and administer, it generally
costs less to purchase.
You might get a break
on premiums
In many cases, your employer or association
will pick up some or all of the group
insurance premium. This can make group
insurance even more affordable.
What are the drawbacks
to group coverage?
You can't customize your policy. In a
group insurance situation, the provisions
of the policy are negotiated between the
insurer and master policyowner (usually
an employer or association). You may not
have the freedom to have provisions included
or excluded, and your deductible amount
and co-payment percentage are determined
in advance. In some situations, however,
you may be able to choose between two
or more insurance plans. |
Please Note: The information
contained in this Web site is provided
solely as a source of general information
and resource. It is a not a statement
of contract and coverage may not apply
in all areas or circumstances. For a complete
description of coverages, always read
the insurance policy, including all endorsements
Aetna HMO Plan 10-20
Aetna HMO Plan 10-30
Aetna HMO Plan 20-40
Aetna HMO Plan 30-40
Aetna EPO 90
Aetna EPO 80
Aetna Basic PPO
Aetna MC Zero 90/60 PPO
Aetna MC $250 90/70 PPO
Aetna MC $500 90/70 PPO
Aetna MC $250 80/60 PPO
Aetna MC $500 80/60 PPO
Aetna mc $500 80/50 PPO
Aetna MC $1000 80/50 PPO
Aetna MC $2000 80/50 PPO
Aetna HSA 2100
Aetna HSA 3000
Aetna Value HMO Value HMO 25-40
Aetna Value HMO Value HMO 15-30
Aetna Value HMO Value HMO 10-20
Blue Cross Saver HMO
Blue Cross Classic HMO
Blue Cross HMO 100
Blue Cross Basic PPO
Blue Cross Hospital BeneFits
Blue Cross Hospital BeneFits Plus
Blue Cross Hospital BeneFits Pref
Blue Cross High Deductible EPO
Blue Cross Saver PPO
Blue Cross PPO 40
Blue Cross PPO 30
Blue Cross PPO 35 GenRx
Blue Cross Power Fund 750
Blue Cross Power Fund 500
Blue Cross Advantage 25 PPO
Blue Cross Premier 20 PPO
Blue Cross Premier 10 PPO
Blue Cross PPO 2400
Blue Cross PPO 3500
Blue Cross PS HMO Power Select HMO Plan
Blue Shield Access+ HMO 5
Blue Shield Access+ HMO 10
Blue Shield Access+ HMO 15
Blue Shield Access+ HMO 20
Blue Shield Access+ H00025
Blue Shield Access+ HMO 40
Blue Shield Added Advantage POS 300
Blue Shield Pref Sav $1250 Ded
Blue Shield Pref Sav $2250 Ded
Blue Shield Pref Sav $2600 Ded
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO Zero Deductible
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO 250 Premier
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO 250 Standard
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO 500 Value
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO 500 Standard
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO 500 Premier
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO 1000
Blue Shield Spectrum PPO 3000
Blue Shield Active Choice 500
Blue Shield Active Choice 750
Health Net HMO 10
Health Net HMO 15
Health Net HMO 20
Health Net HMO 30
Health Net HMO 35
Health Net HMO 40
Health Net HMO Xtra Value 20
Health Net HMO Xtra Value 40
Health Net Variable Hosp Copay HMO 25
Health Net Variable Hosp Copay HMO 35
Health Net Elect Open Acces 30
Health Net Elect Open Access 25
Health Net Elect Open Access 20
Health Net Elect Open Access 10
Health Net Select 30 POS
Health Net Select 20 POS
Health Net Sel Prem 10 POS
Health Net Saver PPO
Health Net PPO 40
Health Net PPO 35
Health Net PPO 30
Health Net PPO 25
Health Net PPO 20
Health Net PPO 15
Health Net PPO 10
Health Net HSA 2000
Health Net HSA 3000
Health Net Silver HMO 20 Silver
Health Net Silver HMO 40 Silver
Health Net Silver HMO Xtra Value 20 Silver
Health Net Silver HMO Xtra Value 40 Silver
Health Net Salud Salud HMO
Health Net Salud Salud PPO
Kaiser HMO Ded 30/1000
Kaiser HMO Ded 30/1500
Kaiser HMO Plan 5
Kaiser HMO Plan 15
Kaiser HMO Plan 20
Kaiser HMO Plan 30
Kaiser HMO Plan 50
Kaiser Point of Service Plan
Nationwide Plan 1
Nationwide Plan 2
Nationwide Plan 3
Nationwide Plan 4
Nationwide Plan 5
Nationwide Plan 6
PacifiCare HMO 10
PacifiCare HMO 15
PacifiCare HMO 10/500d
PacifiCare HMO 20
PacifiCare HMO 35/600d
PacifiCare POS 15/80-60
PacifiCare PPO 80/60-250
PacifiCare PPO 70/50-250
PacifiCare PPO 80/60-500
PacifiCare PPO 70/50-1000
PacifiCare PPO 35-50/50-1000
PacifiCare PPO 70/50-2000
PacifiCare PPO 70/50-3500
PacifiCare PPO 80/50-2000/freedom
PacifiCare PPO 70/50-2000/freedom
PacifiCare PPO 50/50-3000/freedom
PacifiCare PPO HSA 2700
PacifiCare PPO HSA 3500
PacifiCare PPO HSA 5000
Pacificare Adv HMO HMO 10/500d
Pacificare Adv HMO HMO 35/600d
Sharp Health Plan HMO Plan A
Sharp Health Plan HMO Plan AB
Sharp Health Plan HMO Plan C
Sharp Health Plan HMO Plan AD
Sharp Health Plan HMO Plan AE
Western Health Adv HMO Premier 5
Western Health Adv HMO Premier 10
Western Health Adv HMO Premier 15
Western Health Adv HMO Premier 20
Western Health Adv HMO Advantage 15-30
Western Health Adv HMO Advantage 420
Western Health Adv HMO Advantage 70
Western Health Adv HMO Advantage 30-40
Western Health Adv HMO Advantage 40
Western Health Adv HMO Deductible 1000
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Insurance - Understanding The Basics |
What is health insurance?
Simply put, health insurance is protection
against medical costs. A health insurance
policy is a contract between an insurer
and an individual or group, in which
the insurer agrees to provide specified
health insurance at an agreed-upon
price (the premium). Depending on
your policy, your premium may be payable
either in a lump sum or in installments.
Health insurance usually provides
either direct payment or reimbursement
for expenses associated with illnesses
and injuries. If your employer does
not offer a health insurance plan,
you may wish to purchase health insurance
on your own.
Why do you need it?
Let's face it--health insurance
is a necessity in today's world.
The costs of medical care and treatment
have soared to new heights in recent
years and are expected to rise even
further in the years to come. Think
for a moment about the enormous
medical costs you would incur if
you suffered a major injury tomorrow
or were suddenly stricken with a
life-threatening illness. Uninsured
people live with such risk every
day of their lives; health insurance
can shield you from that risk. Even
if you're healthy today and have
never had any major problems in
the past, you simply can't predict
the future.
In addition to medical emergencies,
routine conditions requiring visits
to a physician happen all the time.
This is especially true if you have
children. Ear infections, rashes,
and high fevers are commonplace
with infants and children; numerous
trips to the doctor can be pretty
expensive without health insurance.
What do you need to know?
You should know where to get health
insurance, and understand the various
types of private health insurance
that are available. There are some
important differences between indemnity
plans, HMOs, PPOs, and POS plans
worthy of understanding.
You should also make every effort
to understand your own health insurance
policy, and become familiar with
common health insurance provisions,
including limitations, exclusions,
and riders. It's important to know
what your policy covers, and what
you'll have to pay for in out-of-pocket
When comparing health insurance
policies, you should strive to balance
coverage against cost. While price
is an important consideration, there
are also other factors that may
influence your decision when it
come to choosing a health insurance
Understanding the taxation of health
insurance benefits and premiums
is also an important issue, especially
if you're self-employed.
Being aware of your COBRA rights,
in the event that you lose your
health insurance coverage due to
a change in employment or other
factors is also worth investigating.
When to get it
If you don't have health insurance
right now, you should seriously
consider purchasing it as soon as
possible. No one can predict the
future--you don't know when you
might suffer an accident or become
seriously ill. Health insurance
can help to protect you against
financial ruin.
Please Note: The
information contained in this Web
site is provided solely as a source
of general information and resource.
It is a not a statement of contract
and coverage may not apply in all
areas or circumstances. For a complete
description of coverages, always
read the insurance policy, including
all endorsements
Free Health Insurance Quote offered through
Affiliate Program at Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,
Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia
(Washington DC), Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont,
Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
and Wyoming. |
Cross of California has been
serving the health care needs of Californians
since 1937. Blue Cross of California, together
with its branded affiliates, provides health
care services to more than 6.8 million members.
Offering a full continuum of product and coverage
options, Blue Cross provides customers with
unparalleled choice and flexibility in meeting
their health plan needs. These options are continually
fine-tuned to enhance access to affordable,
quality health care. The Company, with its strong
track record for innovation, focuses on progressive
products and services designed to improve the
health status of all Californians. Unique product
offerings available in the individual, small
group, large group, senior and Medi-Cal markets
include a full range of integrated medical and
specialty products.
Blue Shield of
California Life & Health
Insurance Company Life has grown by offering
competitive insurance products including Group
Term Life, Accidental Death & Dismemberment,
Blue Shield of California Life & Health
Insurance Company Life Vision Plan, Stop Loss
and Exec-U-Med medical reimbursement plans in
tandem with Blue Shield of California health
plans or on a stand-alone basis . In the early
1980s, introduced their Short-Term Health products.
The Option One and Option Twelve plans remain
one of the leading products of their kind in
Signature FreedomSM
With the PacifiCare SignatureFreedomSM (SDHP)
plan, you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility
of a traditional PPO plan with the added feature
of Self Directed Account (SDA).
The SDA is fully insured by PacifiCare Life
and Health Insurance Company and provides a
yearly credit of $1,000 for certain routine
and preventive services.
Any unused funds carry over year after year,
for as long as you are enrolled on the plan.
Once you deplete your SDA, or if you require
services not covered by the SDA, the plan defaults
to a PPO plan.
You must meet annual deductibles. Eligible medical
services paid from the SDA will count toward
satisfying the PPO deductible.
PacifiCare SignatureValueSM
These coordinated plans provide the most comprehensive
coverage of our plan offerings. Your medical
care is coordinated by the primary care physician
(PCP) you select. You visit your PCP for general
medical care, and when you need to see a specialist,
your PCP provides a referral. In general:
You choose a PCP from our network.
You are charged only a co-payment for a doctor's
visit. After your co-payment, many health care
expenses are covered at 100%.
Preventive health care, including check-ups,
is covered.
You do not have to meet an annual deductible
Assurant Health is the brand name used for
products underwritten and issued by Time Insurance
Company, John Alden Life Insurance Company and
Union Security Insurance Company. California license
numbers: 08109 ( Time Insurance Company), 08107
(Union Security Insurance Company) and 3894 (John
Alden Life Insurance Company). Assurant Health
only accepts agent business from agents licensed
and appointed in accordance with state laws.